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Monday, January 11, 2016

Technology can save a life

I feel like technology is always developing on any type of way from smartphones to technology that can a save a life, this baby know as Teegan Lexcen was missing almost all of her left heart and she only had one lung. The doctors from Minnesota told the parents that they couldn't do anything to help her daughter out and to just leave her home until she passes away. They went to Miami to take care of what she had because they had this Google Cardboard which the doctors could use to see Teegans heart as a 3D picture and could see from different angles to see what was wrong and fix the problem. Teegan Lexcen also had a twin sister which was growing much faster which you could see she wasn't doing the same and she was getting worried. As of my opinion I feel like it was a miracle that baby Teegan survived through that much and it was just so good that the doctors could of helped her out through these challenges.
-Jesus Serrano

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