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Monday, March 28, 2016

3-Year-Old Girl Found Absorbing Crack Cocaine During Breakfast Time At Daycare
On Tuesday morning in West Philadelphia, a staff member at “Works Of Learning Early Daycare” noticed a small girl chewing on a small bag with a white substance inside of it during breakfast time. Only to find out the girl was ingesting crack cocaine. The worker called the authorities and the girl was rushed to the hospital immediately. While the employee practically saved the little girl’s life, Southwest Detectives and the DHS are still investigating on how she had gotten ahold of the substance. It’s great to see that the woman noticed the drug before anything severe could’ve happened to the little girl’s health.

-Roman Macareno


  1. Where did she get the cocaine from?

  2. why would there be cocaine in a day care center in the first place ?!

  3. Glad they got the chance to save her before anything happened to her, but where would she get a hold of it. So upsetting.

  4. where are the parents?!
